Installed Lubuntu 13.10 on Mini 9

I recently installed Lubuntu 13.10 to continue running updated versions of Ubuntu on my Dell Inspiron Mini 9. My Mini 9 was delivered with Hardy Heron (Ubuntu 8.04 LTS), and it will bother me to have installed a different flavor of Linux.

The procedure that I describe requires an existing Ubuntu installation and wired ethernet connection for the Mini 9.

I was unable to install current versions of Ubuntu, because of my netbook’s restricted amount of disk space. With the “Lubuntu Minimal Installation” option, I have no swap partition, a 128MB boot partition and an encrypted root partition with 1.8GB used space and 1.6GB free space after installation.

To ease updating, I downloaded the linux and initrd.gz netboot installer binaries and copied them to /boot/13_10. After rebooting, I entered the following into the Grub command line:

grub> root=(hd0,msdos1)
grub> linux /13_10/linux
grub> initrd /13_10/initrd.gz
grub> boot

There were complications with configuring the wireless adapter. The wireless adapter drivers are not installed automatically, and my wireless access point has a hidden SSID.

The wireless adapter drivers were installed with:

sudo apt-get install \
  b43-fwcutter \
  firmware-b43-installer \

The /etc/network/interfaces file was updated to:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

#auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

iface wlan0 inet manual
  wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

A /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file was created with:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev



After the above is performed, the computer is rebooted and the wired ethernet cable is removed. The wireless connection is enabled with the following:

ifup wlan0
dhclient wlan0

wpa_gui can be used for a graphical interface to the wpa_supplicant. Changes to wpa_supplicant.conf by wpa_gui is prevented by the update_config flag being set to 0. This is preferred to prevent losing my network’s configuration and polluting the network configuration file with several networks.

I installed Firefox. Now, the Mini 9 is running great!

Questions, comments, and responses are welcomed and appreciated.

One Response to “Installed Lubuntu 13.10 on Mini 9”

  1. Arch Stanton Says:

    Thanks, SD. Good to see that there are some of us still rockin’ the mini9.
    I tried the supposedly quick ChromeOS but the browser experience was slow.
    Looked around for slim linux installs and seemed that lubuntu was recommended by a lot of mini9 users like us. I’m happy now but may turn to the dark side of hackintoshing in the near future.
    Any experience with hackintoshing?

    Thanks for the great info!

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