Aiming Higher

Many people interpret the phrase, “aiming higher,” as setting goals that are 110% of what is desired. A trivial example of this interpretation’s absurdity is setting the goal to fit one gallon of water into a cup. Aiming for an unattainable goal is aiming for failure. The trivial example shows it also wastes resources.

“Aiming higher” is better interpreted as setting higher level goals. We set goals at different levels everyday. Figuratively, the goals at 0ft determine what should be done right now while those at 35,000ft determine what should be done over a lifetime.

There is a popular anecdote in which of three workers, each performing the same task, a traveler asks, “What are you doing?” One reports he is cutting stone, the other is earning food for his family, and the last is building a cathedral.

It is easy to become too focused on goals for the day, week, or quarter. We should frequently refocus our goals for career, relationships, and life. We should reflect on why we are doing what we do. Through such reflection, we can properly aim higher, achieve, and succeed.

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