fciv.py – Python Module for Microsoft FCIV

fciv.py is a Python module that I implemented to generate file integrity data in a format used by Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier. My use case involves copying files from a Linux workstation to a Microsoft Windows workstation. I wanted to generate integrity data on Linux using Python 3 and verify file integrity on Microsoft Windows without installing 3rd party software.

FCIV file content is generated with the following Python snippet:

import fciv
digests = fciv.fciv_compute('mydirectory/**')

With the output of the generation script redirected to a file named ‘fciv.xml’, the following snippet performs verification:

import fciv
reference_digests = fciv.fciv_read('fciv.xml')
actual_digests = fciv.fciv_compute('mydirectory/**')
fciv.fciv_verify(actual_digests, reference_digests)

The verification performed by fciv.py reports mismatches between expected and actual file checksums. Files missing from and files in addition to that of the verification data are also reported.

Questions, comments, and responses are welcomed and appreciated.

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