Code Critique: Duplicate Code within If-Else Statements

I’ve been reviewing and documenting other peoples’ code lately, and I found some vexing patterns that came up constantly. Seeing in an if-else statement that the first (or last) few lines evaluated when the conditional is true match the first (or last) few lines evaluated when the conditional is false was a little bothersome. It is as if someone copied code in their editor and pasted it where they needed it.

An example snippet of code is:

function f()
   if( g() )
      // statement_1
      // statement_2
      // ...
      // statement_n
      // some stuff
      // statement_1
      // statement_2
      // ...
      // statement_n

      // other stuff

Firstly, if a sequence of code is present in two or more places, wrapping the sequence within a function and calling the function may make the code just a bit more elegant. Wrapping identical sequences of code within a function localizes the code that needs to be updated when the sequence of code needs to be changed. Localizing common sequences of code within a function eliminates the need for programmers to track down all identical code sequences where and when an update is desired.

Wrapping statement_1 through statement_n in a function, h(), results in the following code:

function h()
   // statement_1
   // statement_2
   // ...
   // statement_n

function f()
   if( g() )

      // some stuff

      // other stuff

The code’s annoyance factor can be further minimized by noting that h() is the first statement that is evaluated after the if-else conditional expression evaluates to either true or false. Since h() is evaluated without dependence on the if-else conditional expression, it seems sensible to move h() out of the if-else statement.

The resulting code is presented here:

function h()
   // statement_1
   // statement_2
   // ...
   // statement_n

function f()
   if( g() )
      // some stuff
      // other stuff

I noticed the issue after writing pseudocode that closely matched existing code and looked like this:

1a. if variable_A is non-zero
  1a – i. connect to database_server_A using host_A, login_A, password_A
  1a – ii. use schema_A as the default schema
  1a – iii. do stuff
1b. else
  1b – i. connect to database_server_A using host_A, login_A, password_A
  1b – ii. use schema_A as the default schema
  1b – iii. do alternate stuff

I thought that the following pseudocode would be easier to read and more concise:

1. connect to database_server_A using host_A, login_A, password_A
2. use schema_A as the default schema
3a. if variable_A is non-zero
  3a – i. do stuff
3b. else
  3b – i. do alternate stuff

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