Author Archive


December 16th, 2011

Lately, I have been involved with optimizing code to improve execution time. I am still becoming familiar with a large and complex software system that is used by a multitude of end-users. Because my knowledge of the system is limited and people are dependent on the system, the scope of my modifications is focused on […]

Potential HP Remote Exploit

December 8th, 2011
Posted in Security | No Comments

I remember my first computer. It was a standalone system that booted directly to the Microsoft DOS prompt. There were no logins nor passwords. There were no real security measures to protect files on disk or processes in memory. Floppy disks were the primary means of transferring data between computers. Bulletin board systems were popular […]

Wherever the Wind Blows

August 24th, 2011

The winds of change have scattered my team among several companies. The cohesive forces experienced between team members at my previous company have resulted in groups of people finding themselves working in new environments with others of our previous company. Two former teammates have relocated to a semiconductor company, and two others took up positions […]

Do Not Disturb: Working

December 28th, 2010

Jason Fried gives a talk entitled Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work. He presents his observation that people feel more productive when they work at places other than their office, into which companies invest heavily with the hope of maximizing worker productivity. He concludes that people find other places for work more conducive to productivity, […]

Judging a Book by Its Table of Contents

December 23rd, 2010

I stumbled upon a draft of a book on programming languages, which from a look over the table of contents seems to cover topics for a compiler book. Robert Harpers’s home page links to his book, Practical Foundations for Programming Languages. Whenever I find the time to read up on programming languages and compiler, I […]