I’ve been looking for an API for cross-platform application development in my spare time. I would like to target GNU/Linux environments for an application that I am looking to develop as a hobby, but I would also like to make the application available to the larger pool of Microsoft Windows users. I am seriously considering […]
On February 7, 2004, I bought my 2004 Honda Civic LX sedan from Honda of Hollywood. I put down 3500USD, got a 2.9% APR, and received a total financing cost of 1571.70USD. It was my very first car purchase. I went at it alone, and needless to say, I got slammed hard. On July 25, […]
Considering the purchase of a new car while the housing and equities markets plummet requires detailed knowledge of one’s financial position. In my case, I was considering the purchase of a 2008 BMW 335i sedan amidst a rise in foreclosures and a significant downward movement in the stock market. With two existing car loans still […]
Microsoft TechNet elaborates on the description of the program, stating that gpupdate “refreshes local and Active Directory-based Group Policy settings, including security settings.” This command line utility is useful when updating group policies in an Active Directory environment and immediately checking that modification’s effects.