The responsibility of a project’s outcome is shared between developers and managers. Developers depend on managers to effectively manage projects, and managers depend on developers to provide reports that serve as the basis of project management decisions. Possibly due to insufficient transparency, a problem may be detected after attempting to use a fully implemented and […]
I have just completed transitioning to a new server, which serves this blog. I am now using’s Virtual Dedicated Server product. I have been administering my own dedicated server,’s Dedicated Server product, for more than two years. I changed from a Dedicated Server to a Virtual Dedicated Server to reduce costs and better […]
I am still searching for tools that would allow me to do web development with Python. I was leaning toward Zope, but it looks like I will be going a different direction with WSGI. WSGI seems very lightweight or minimalist, which requires me to research template engines. Kubica’s HOWTO Use Python in the Web refers […]
When thinking about software modules as service providers and consumers, from time to time, a situation occurs where a service provider and a consumer communicate through a common or shared buffer. In the sockets API, the consumer of a service provides the buffers from which write() sends and to which recv() receives. This can be […]
I was thinking about doing web application development using Python during my free time. It would not be something that is pressured by schedules, but it would be an opportunity to learn something new. At first, I believed that most Python web applications were implemented by using mod_python, since PHP web applications use mod_php. I […]