Author Archive

Know Your Nomenclature

November 25th, 2007

It’s very hard to discuss software engineering topics with respect to a given language when there’s some confusion between “function overloading” and “function overriding.”

Refactoring Could’ve Saved the Day

November 2nd, 2007
Posted in Refactoring | No Comments

I have ran into a few snags while trying to update parts of my code that depended on other peoples’ code. Other people updated the interface of their modules, and I needed to update the way my module interacted with theirs. Being slightly optimistic and feeling a bit of schedule pressure, a simple identifier substitution […]

AMZN: Amazing Delay Times!

October 30th, 2007
Posted in - blah - | No Comments

The order was submitted on September 10, 2007. It was previously delayed until sometime between October and November. Now, the delivery date is estimated at January 9 to January 11 of the following year! Amazon is amazing. I’m afraid that if we stick around again, they’ll just move the delivery date another quarter. I simply […]

The NEC ND-3620A and cdrecord

October 24th, 2007

When most hope was lost, a firmware upgrade brought results. After resolving a character set problem with cdrecord through a downgrade, I received a “0x30 Qual 0x05 (cannot write medium – incompatible format) Fru 0x0” error and thought the problem was with the DVDs that I had just purchased. The DVD burner identified itself as […]

Two HDs Down, and Another One on the Way

October 16th, 2007

A Seagate drive and Maxtor drive failed over the week. Now that Maxtor is Seagate, I’ll be sending both drives to the same company for replacement. I can only hope that they return drives that are remanufactured or better, before the Seagate drive that is currently knocking away in my desktop fails.