Monthly Archives: December 2006

Code Critique: Duplicate Code within If-Else Statements

December 20th, 2006

I’ve been reviewing and documenting other peoples’ code lately, and I found some vexing patterns that came up constantly. Seeing in an if-else statement that the first (or last) few lines evaluated when the conditional is true match the first (or last) few lines evaluated when the conditional is false was a little bothersome. It […]

Blog Tag Game

December 18th, 2006
Posted in - blah - | 3 Comments

Okay, David got me into this. The idea is to share five things about yourself that people may not know, then tag five bloggers so they can rinse, lather and repeat. I was tagged by David Gagne, who was tagged by Speaking Freely, who was tagged by MarketingGuy, who was tagged by Aaron Shear. The […]

Getting Around Without RedirectPermanent

December 13th, 2006

It seemed that I would be unable to persuade an ISP technical support representative to change their server configuration, while talking with him at 4am. Setting up a 301 redirect between a domain with a www subdomain and a domain without a subdomain is pretty easy. I usually do something like the following when setting […]