250,000 Miles
My 2004 Honda Civic LX Sedan reached 250,000 mileson August 29, 2019.
My 2004 Honda Civic LX Sedan reached 250,000 mileson August 29, 2019.
Recent assignments that focus my efforts on securing web applications have motivated me to review the security of my personal websites. PHP code that I implemented 15 years ago is still used by my websites today. With the experience I gained over the years, and my current effort to acquire deep familiarization with security practices, […]
I lost access to my GoDaddy VPS CentOS 6 server after fat-fingering an openssl update and clobbering sshd in the process. GoDaddy technical support was unable to reinstall openssl then restart the server. They might not have physical access or a means of simulating physical access to my VPS instance. (With physical access to a […]
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 introduces Application Streams. Software Collections (SCLs) are no longer needed in RHEL 8. According to Introducing Application Streams in RHEL 8, Application Streams, containerization, or virtualization can be used to fulfill needs met previously by SCLs. I recently updated PHP and Apache httpd on a CentOS 6 server with Software […]
Working within a software development team is like being a member of a jazz band. Software architects convert specifications into overall designs. Engineers distill overall designs into detailed designs of individual modules. And, implementers convert detailed designs into source code. Each role has some degree of creative freedom. Each member improvises while keeping their contributions […]