Category Archives: Team Management

Guidelines for Geek Management

November 9th, 2005

A post on points out an outline for managing geeks by Eric Schmidt. If Schmidt still carries these management beliefs, then Google’s success at wooing technologists should be expected. This guideline suggests that any tech company that intends to benefit from innovation requires in-house developers. He also restates the widely accepted software engineering observation […]

Hate the Game, not the Player

September 3rd, 2005

“I’m going to fucking kill Google,” Steve Ballmer has been credited with saying. Ballmer allegedly included this statement in his exchange with Marc Lucovsky when Lucovsky declared his intent to leave Microsoft to join Google. In defense, Ballmer stated that Lucovsky’s decision to leave was disappointing and that he attempted to persuade Lucovsky to stay. […]

Computer Job Insourcing

August 27th, 2005

ABC News brings the notion of what I call job insourcing to the mainstream with this article. There are many displaced computer workers who would be willing to accept a lower nominal salary if that salary can afford them a good life, even if it meant relocating them to a place with a low cost […]

Microsoft vs. Google

August 4th, 2005

I’ve been following the conflict between Google and Microsoft over the employment of Kai-Fu Lee . It seems that Microsoft is having a difficult time retaining their employees. Microsoft would rather litigate and mar their company image, and at the same time, enhance Google’s image as an employer that is willing to take risks when […]